We contribute to Sustainable Development...



Executive Director

The Community Development has as its fundamental elements, promoting the active participation, conscious, organized, permanent and systematic from their habitants. Mobilizing human and institutional resources for the implementation of development projects, as an action of the community and for the community. So that when we mention a community project, we refer to all the activities intended to satisfy or solve the most urgent and pressing needs of the community, and oriented by those who are part of it, because they are who know the real situation of their locality.
In our interventions, we attempt to enhance the capacities of people, especially of young people and women, for integration into the dynamics of local development, exercising leadership as change managers for identifying and solving the problems facing their community, for a collective impact, helping to the economic, social and environmental well-being.


Specialist in Corporate Social Responsibility, Community relations and Conflict Management

Good corporate social responsibility practices, generate positive and significant impacts in the area of social influence of any project, and provide a socially favorable environment for the exercise of business activity. Therefore, the importance of starting with an adequate collection of social information that allows the establishment of sustainable, viable and measurable development objectives that respond to the policies of each company, focused on its Mission or reason for being and, above all, within the framework of the socio-environmental regulations of the State.
The strategies of community relations are innumerable, but they will only be feasible if an adequate mapping of social actors is made with whom strategic alliances must be established to achieve a “win to win” between State, civil society and company.


Specialist in Cooperatives and Small Business

The partnership model, in the form of cooperative, has been in place for decades, especially in the so-called first world countries, which is a viable and sustainable model, especially by the Fifth Cooperative Principle, Education, training and information , which trains its members and leaders, to participate actively and efficiently and effectively in the development of their cooperatives.
Cooperatives have particular advantages for women, with the possibility of experiencing an organizational model that offers greater opportunities for equality than other traditionally hierarchical forms of association, while constituting an organizational strategy that enables women to develop their self-confidence and acquire more power decision, obtaining a position of equality in the family, the cooperative and society.
The cooperative not only achieves the objective of the joint action but also enables simultaneously continuous development, improvement in the quality of life of the members, their families and local economic development.


Specialist in Personal development and job skills

All entrepreneurship activity is based on a process of exchange and communication, and depends on social skills to be viable and sustainable. That is, all of those behaviors when a person interacts with other individuals, when gives opinions, when receives a compliment or an insult, when express feelings and desires and is responsible for what you say and how you say it.
Being an entrepreneur is to achieve an attitude and an identity, which involves emotional changes, know yourself, develop their self-esteem, know your skills, strengths and weaknesses, empower, develop harmonious family relations, to be assertiveness, defend their rights and fulfill their obligations. Therefore personal development is necessary, through strengthening social skills, values, self-esteem, leadership and relationship skills, communication and teamwork in order to promote personal, work and business projects.


Specialist in Youth entrepreneurship and leadership

Knowing how to start a business is critical to the implementation of a business and to develop products and provide services with competitive quality, designed to satisfy the demand identified, generate income, quality employment and contribute to sustainable economic and social development in the locality and respecting the environment.
Young people have great creativity and ability to start a business or start up business ideas that create value, taking advantage of market opportunities and achieve good performance in managing their businesses, taking into account innovation as the main form of growth and sustainable development.
Business education encourages young people to think about their role in generating changes in economic and social development of their localities; showing them that the self-employment and the creation of a company may be occupational options to consider.


Specialist in Inclusive rural business

In our country, rural businesses become as a sustainable alternative to contribute to food security and increased household income. In recent years, entrepreneurship in rural areas is growing, with business ideas according to the new local needs and demands, taking advantage of opportunities that arise with the implementation of projects of public and private investment. Examples include the sale of agricultural, livestock and handicraft products, derived from food industry and the offer of services related to tourism activity, among others.
Through technical assistance and training to strengthen systems of family and community production, is achieved the application of best practices, the use of simple technology, environment friendly and the productive innovation with a minimal cost, productivity increasing and the diversification of the agriculture and livestock.Thus we obtain satisfactory results with projects that we perform throughout the country with the entrepreneurs who face the challenge successfully, achieving sustainability and a substantial improvement in the economy of families and their communities.


Specialist in Civil rights

In the last 30 years there have been social and legal changes to enable women to exercise their rights, there are currently a number of protective measures against abuse both in the home and at work.
Many women start in an economic activity, with more enthusiasm than knowledge, without a clear position as citizens and without knowing their rights , making it impossible that they can exercise and enjoy them, preventing their personal, social and economic growth, that is why the women need to know about them, to advance firmly in achieving its goals as entrepreneurs.
The challenge is to make that these rights can be known by society and especially by women and mothers, as subjects with rights and being able to exercise their part fully as citizens of our country. It is important to support women to have access to decent work, better income and achieve redistribution of their domestic burden, this being our goal about their economic, social and cultural rights.


Specialist in Educational Management

The construction of knowledge is done through a mental process that ends with the acquisition of new knowledge,so, in this process, the new knowledge acquired, allows students to apply what they have learned to new situations. This learning approach encourages: the knowledge (of facts, data or examples of how something works), the doing (how to use what they have learned in real situations) and the being (the way the student appropriates the knowledge, as a part of their academic or professional activity).
Reading is fundamental to the construction of knowledge and the importance of reading and reading comprehension, is that students are able to understand printed academic or electronic texts through the application of reading strategies and recognition discursive, communicative and structural aspects of the language, to take position on what they read and recognize to the reading as a source of academic and cultural enrichment.


Specialist in Marketing and International Trading

Globalization, technological development, access to information and the emergence of new players in international markets challenge our companies to reformulate their vision, strategies, procedures and actions to be able to respond and face the challenges of markets. Companies are in the need to make international trade operations, in which they can acquire technology. materials and supplies from abroad, to be used for the production or processing into other products whose final destination will be the domestic or international market. Likewise, these operations should enable them to obtain a financial advantage and at the same time benefit the productive areas, thereby contributing substantially to promote economic development and social well-being in the surrounding towns to the area of ​​influence of its operations.

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