We contribute to Sustainable Development...


Community action

Local management, governance and citizen participation

Strengthening Local Management for governance, performance of functions and citizen participation, aimed at local governments and community organizations


Environmental management and conservation of natural resources

Strengthening capacities for environmental management and participatory programs, waste management, reforestation and conservation of natural resources

Comunnitary tourism

Tourism management and local economic development

  Strengthening planning and management, empowerment of developers, guides, tour operators and enterprises as an engine for local economic development


Social leaders promoters of local development

Strengthening capacities, leadership and social skills for participation and positioning of youth and women in equal opportunities within their communities


Healthy lifestyles, employability and entrepreneurship

Youth and adolescents, creating healthy lifestyles, promoting employment and income generation for their economic and social integration

Mother, entrepreneur woman

Income generation and economic integration

Strengthening competencies for economic integration of women through income generation from the development and articulation of economic, social enterprises and environmentally responsible


Cooperative management, generational relief and gender equity

Strengthening business associations, identity, governance and management of cooperatives and associations for economic sustainability and generational relief with gender equity

Golden years

Older adults, including opportunities and better quality of life

Generating opportunities for inclusion, exercising of rights, healthy aging and improve the quality of life of the elderly.

Grow up

Interaction and integration

Strengthening skills for personal and organizational development and collective interaction spaces for further integration, complementarity and productivity.

Health & Wellness

Family Welfare, training for life

Strengthening community capacity in health, education and values for family and social welfare

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